
Where software is built

I've joined GitHub! I'll be working on the new Electron team alongside Jessica Lord, Kevin Sawicki, Cheng Zhao and others, helping build and maintain Atom and Electron, two open-source projects for making native applications using open web technologies like HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

My first day as a GitHubber will be March 14 2016, also known as Pi Day :)

Adventure Time Octocat

Update 1, March 2016

I helped write the latest Electron blog post: What's new in Electron 0.37. The highlights: Chromium 49 includes support for CSS Custom Properties and 91% ES6 compatibility!.

Update 2, April 2016

I wrote a post about turning websites into desktop apps using Electron and Nativefier.

Update 3, April 2018

Long time no write! See for updates on what I've been up to with Electron, or check out my new list of talks. Some of 'em are about Electron. :)